The last year

Created by Julie 11 years ago
Mums health slowly deteriated over the years but the last 12 months was a struggle Mum was frustrated but determined to make the best of things. Mums retirement began when we moved to Surrey and strongly expressed her feelings of never wanting to move back to Stoke. Mum found her faith and along with that loving genuine friends that she often enjoyed spending time with. Saturday evenings Mum would spend either with friends, at home with us here or at her home with Harrison Sunday mornings were spent at church and then at home with us here for dinner Mum was also a member of the women's fellowship and attended weekly meetings and also a weekly lunch club with other friends A move to a lovely apartment complex was something Mum was really looking forward to . We had already planed and chosen furniture, ironically the day after Mum had the first of her last three operations we were given a date to move. Mum choose not to know how ill she was and I supported her decision as we both believe in the power of a positive mind. What I myself knew and realised is that we had exhausted every avenue in surgery and in medication. Just one of the major pluses in moving was that we were able to get tests and treatments in the best hospitals with the best specialists. Unfortunately Mums determination lead her to make a decision to agreeing to surgery. I had no other option but to support Mum in this decision as to do other wise was to face something she had chosen not to. The 7weeks in ICU following were totally indescribable Mum died in my arms with soft music carefully chosen, no bleeping monitors or doctors but just a room filled with love and respect. My Mums soul passed through me and confirmed My Dad came to meet her. A tear ran down her cheek and My Mum died with a smile Mums funeral was a celebration of her life and the three of us here respected Mums faith in everyway we could, every last detail was carefully thought through and I'm proud that both boys and myself were able to personalise Mums day as she would of wanted around a faith she had chosen. My Mum was a respected catering Manager at Keele, a single parent that sacrificed everything and spoiled both myself and my brother. A wonderful loving Grandma that actively played a parenting role. Mum was always there for the three of us regardless, her love was uncondional and non judgmental. My Mum achieved the goals in her life she was sent to do without question. We miss Mum physically been here with us, this will be our very first Christmas without her. The pure uncondional love isn't something that many people have, give and share and for that reason My Mum and we are blessed.