To us your not gone

Created by Julie 11 years ago
Living 200 miles away from Dads resting place would be unthinkable to leave you Instead you are right here with us in our home, my room, next to your bed and on your set of drawers Us three often come and chat with you, just like we always did, all three of us feel your presence and have our chats answered to in many personal different ways Our bond was ours together and the four of us went through life's ups and downs together Your strength and determination lives on with us and we've gradually over the months you've not physically been with us learnt to realise your still here and living in us Your crystal heart goes everywhere with me, experiencing all the places and things you deserved to experience You lived for us so how could we ever think of a better place for you to be here in our home in which you spent so much time For a year there's been anger, tears, pain, bitterness and now a calmness We have a calmness of you here that maybe we may loose if you were the 200 miles away You are more than a Mum or a Grandmother, you are our inspiration for every reason Your strength all through your life has inspired the three of us and in your memory of the life you had with us we put our hearts and soul into our goals both small and large So for everything you taught us we've come to that place, no judging, no bitterness but just acceptance. To make the difference and impact you did in your life here I can only hope I do the same We miss you physically Mum but our love as we said and promised carries on xxx831xxx